Adventures By Morse – Dead Men Prowl 5of10. 450524

Title: The Walking Dead Captured.

Doc rushes into the house of the dead Doc Simms to find both Captain Friday, and Martin Stanley on the floor, and the handkerchief of Carmella Luis next to them. Queer business… who riffled through the safe of the dead man?

A letter is found, written from Doc Simms to his rival Walters. The accusing words might have been the thing to push old Walters to have hanged himself.

Martin Stanley returns to Friday’s cottage, as Doc and Captain Friday head out to explore Walter’s house next The body of Doc Simms is found, with documents stuffed into his pocket. Will it work for Friday to tie up the corpse, so it won’t keep prowling around? Will Friday be able to keep the story of the walking dead from the villagers?

At Andrew Walters house, Friday hopes to also find important papers there as well. Andre meets them at the house as they try to relive the last moments of the prominent uncle. Was he afraid of embezzlement? What important papers will be found in the safe? Carmella and Gail rush in with word that the uneasy villagers are at Friday’s cottage. Will the villagers hold the young people responsible? Everybody is looking for copies of the wills. Emotions run high as questions over the walking dead are revisited. Gunshots blast, and shouts are investigated. Is the dead at it again, and prowling?