Vic and Sade – Mr Chinbunny Wants to Smoke Cigars – Rush 400602

Get ready to smile again with Crisco’s Vic and Sade.

With Rush absent, Sade marvels at Rushes 3rd Lt Stanley novel as she shares a brief passage with Vic. When Rush enters he has the latest gossip from school, and in particular about Mr Chinbunny.

The young principal is self conscious about his young age, and does things to make himself appear older. His latest idea is in picking up the habit of smoking cigars to impress the big shots of the school board. What? Teachers don’t smoke do they?

At least Rush is impressed by the thought of it. Rush lets Vic know that Mr Chinbunny expects Vic to teach him how to appear to be a seasoned cigar smoker. Maybe Vic could start a cigar smoking college? This won’t interfere with Vic and Sades evening of playing cards with the Stembottoms, will it?

For the episode withut the commentary, check out Vic and Sade – Mr Chinbunny Wants To Smoke Cigars (Rush). 400602.

Bonus Tracks:
Glenn Miller – Back to Back, Vocals by Marian Hutton. AJune 30, 1939
Abbott and Costello – Meets Mellonhead The Cabbie. 12/20/1945