Adventures By Morse – Land Of The Living Dead 10of10. 441209

The party has found a way to put an end to the brothers of the living dead. Captain Friday tells how their own lives will be in danger, and escape is uncertain. As Judith found the treasure room, she was attacked, but narrowly misses death. If the treasure has been lost for hundreds of years, then why are there guards? Captain Friday discovers the booby trap behind the attack.

Treasure, mummies, and archaeological finds galore put Dr English into scientific heaven. The thrill is short lived to know it all has to stay, and the place dynamited. Mrs Santos is full of secrets to share as they go over final plans to blow the place off the face of the earth.

As Mrs Santos continues to share about the previously unknown back story, her true bravery emerges. The plan shows signs of hope when the plane lands in the sacred city, piloted by Tula. Fuses are lit, and the crew escape before the explosions go off.
From the air, Captain Friday and Skip watch the fireworks below. Friday has his own secret to share about Tula, and how she relates to the story.