Vic and Sade – Who’s Who in Kitchenware. 410630.

When Vic arrives home he has good news. He’s to appear in the kitchenware quarterly magazine, and is to write his own biographical sketch. What should he say about himself? Should he be humble? Or maybe boastful about his accomplishments?

As he ponders over what to write, Rush interjects with passages from his latest 3rd Lt Stanley book. Both Rush and Sade have a good time offering their own thoughts on what to write about. It’s an important thing, not to be taken lightly, since the article will be read all through the country at other kitchenware plants. As Rush and Vic cook up a flowery write up, Sade has had enough and goes to get ready for an evening of playing cards with the Stembottoms.

1 Comment

  1. Roboref

    It took me a few episodes of Vic and Sade to get the humor and now it’s one of my favorite otr shows. I love the humor you add to the shows, too! thanks

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