Philip Marlowe – The Open Window. ep53, 491008

Days blend into one another, but adventure awaits for Philip Marlowe today as he tries to mind his own business. A dame knocks on his door. The woman claims to have amnesia, but is paranoid and fearful. Is she in danger? Is someone following her? All Marlowe has to go on is the meager contents of her purse.

Jake Philpots is drunk, Thompkins has fled town, pearls, the clues to a downtown dive, a dame named Nora and a guy named Alan Gearard. Is Marlowe any closer to unravelling the mystery? More investigation turns up Margrets identity, and relations in Canada.

Rrealizing that she may be in danger, Philip races home, but a little too late to keep Margret ffrom plunging from his window to the sidewalk below. Clues easily prove that she was pushed, and Marlowe knows who to go after. Retracing his steps through his likely suspects, Marlowe learns new twists to the story. Identity switching, extortion, and an angry Marlowe seals the case. Stay tuned to learn all the details in epilog.