Cisco Kid – Contraband. 530528.

In the way of outlaws anywhere, bandits of the West were always trying to think of ways to outsmart the law. For now a foolproof scheme has been worked by a pair of bandits, stealing expensive goods without the sheriff suspecting a thing. Taking advantage of the weaknesses of the sheriff, they think they can even get away with murder.

Elsewhere, Cisco and Pancho ride up to look for their friend, Cottonwood Brown. Mose and Jack have killed Cottonwood, but feel confident they can push the blame off on Cisco. Unfortunately, Cisco is more alert than the sheriff, and isn’t going to sit still while an injustice is being done. The less than brilliant sheriff recruits the bandits to be his deputies to help track down that suspicious stranger in town, Cisco.

Is there anything Cisco can do to convince the sheriff who the real bandits arre? In his dramatic flare for fist fights, Cisco exposes the smugglers, and opens the eyes of the sheriff.