Vic and Sade – Miltons Dirt In Fruit Jars. 400415

Art VanHarvey, Bernardine Flynn, Paul Rhimer, and Bill Eidleson

jVic and Rush are at home, talking at the library table. Rush has a great idea to raise enough money to pay off all his debts. Vic listens to the details. Milton, a friend of Rushes collects dirt, a sample from each state in the Union. Rush plans to charge 10 cents for the states that are missing from the collection. With 38 states still not accounted for, Rush stands to gross a whopping $3.80.

Rush wants Vic to use his lodge connections to have members send a fruit jar full of dirt to himself, so he can make the sale to Milton, and earn his big bucks. Milton also wants each jar to be documented by a notary public for authenticity. It’s a great idea, but what is rush missing in this plan?

Vic becomes less impressed, and lets Rush know about the expenses involved. The cost racks up quickly when you figure in the multiple notarizing, postage, and more. Vic is still willing to help, but Rush begins to realize the cost.

Maybe it’s not such a great idea, but I’ll bet it would work if Rush figured his costs first, then backed into a good selling price to Milton. Oh, well. It doesn’t quite make it that far though. Poor Rush, another victim of looking before you leap syndrome.


  1. Don B.

    Loved the way they slipped in Norris Goff (Abner from “Lum & Abner) from Cove, AR (his actual home town) into Vic’s list of acquaintances. Not sure if there were others.

    • Keith

      Good catch on that one! I don’t believe there are any more in this episode, but the folks in the house halfway up the next block would often name drop other people and actors on various comedy shows.each other‘s shows.

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