Lone Ranger – Elkhorn Flats. 430423.

A pioneer family has been going through tough times out in Elkhorn Flats. Food is scarce, and the family is reduced to getting by on favors of friends. Who is Matt King, and is he really trying to starve out Jim and his family?

In town, Jim and his wife try to get credit for his farm at the general store, but rancher Matt King has already been in to make trouble unless he gets his way. Things are looking worse than Jim knows, but Tonto has been lurking in town. Will Lone Ranger make it on the scene before certain characters can make good on doing bodily harm to innocent farmers.

It looks like he just might have a plan to keep things from exploding into disaster. He had better move quick though. The Lone Ranger tries to send a warning to the ranchers, but the farmers are planning to band together as a defensive move.

Elsewhere, cowhands set fire to farm houses and Dan takes Tonto to town to do some investigating. They try to find the key players and sources of the contention, and any friends who they can count on.

A range war is about to erupt, but will the efforts of Dan, Tonto, and the Lone Ranger be able to put out those fires? They may have to do a little fighting the fire with some fire of their own. Listen in to the exciting conclusion to the adventure to see if the Lone Ranger’s plan works to bring pease to Elkhorn Flats.