Jack Benny – From San Francisco. ep844, 530426

In the dressing room, Rochester shares secrets about zjack Benny’s life behind the scenes. Jokes about Jack’s miserly ways, being a ham, and his blue eyes. As Rochester leaves the scene, Mary joins Jack, and flubs a line about Buck Benny becoming the Cisco Kid. Don phones in, and the Sportsmen sing a version of, You Were Made for Me.

The cast takes off, and Jack is visited by Fred Allen. He teases Jack, using some of the running gags in the show, but adding his own ad libs as well. They remember their early days working together in vaudeville.

In flashback, they relive going to their booking agent. After being grilled by the receptionist, they get ready to show off their new act. Get ready for a demonstration of old jokes intermingled with clarinet and violin being played poorly. Will the loyal friends stay loyal, when faced with a job that needs only one of them?