Gene Autry – Concertina.

To open the show Gene Autry sings, Me and My Gal. After a welcome to the Melody Ranch, Gene sings, I Saw the Harbor Lights.

In the bunkhouse, Pat Buttram is energetic and cheerful as he tells Gene about his new diet. What’s in the new diet? What are the ladies in town saying about his healthy physique? What are all the guys saying about Pat? Listen as he sings, Too Old to Cut the Mustard.

In the days before Gene owned the Melody Ranch, and was just a travelling vcow hand, we find himinvolved in a silver mine. He hears the story of how a man came to own the mine in a shady way that involves murder, and a concertina. Morango was a town full of salloons, taverns, and bars. Wat clues will be unlocked with the code word, concertina? Danger looms in the seedy town full of shady characters. Gene learns what the scheme is all about, but will he escape alive to tell anyone about it?
Get ready for some gunfighting action, and one last secret.

Gene wraps up with one last song, Melody from the Sky.