Gunsmoke – Body Snatch. ep358, 590215

A wounded man is hauled into the jail with a lack of ceremony, or sympathy. His crime is stealing from indian grave sites. With doc out of town on house calls, will their prisoner be without medical attention?

Dr Brandt is a newcomer to Dodge City, and volunteers his services. How will Doc Adams feel about the new rival? For that matter, hat about Chester, or the other residents in town? The two medical men compare notes on keeping up on modern sciences, and the daily grind of keeping people alive.

Making the rounds with Matt, Doc makes small talk with one of his patients, and the reality of having Dr Brandt taking some of the work off his hands hits home. Kitty thinks the new doc is over stepping bounds. Should Matt intervene? Its not exactly his area. Riding the prairie, Matt and Chester find a matter they are suited for handling. An indian uprising is brewing when a body is missing from a burial site. Back in Dodge, our body snatcher from the beginning of the story is confronted. It may be time to dig into the practices of modern siences.

In the office of Dr Brandt, Matt demands to know where the skeleton in the back room came from. The city doc is indignant at the thought of returning the skeleton to its resting place. Will replacing it appease the indians? Matt and the two doctors witness a small indian band pay their respects. Has Dr Brandt learned a lesson?