On Stage – Four Meetings. ep8, 530219.

A lovely short story based on the writings of Harry James. Roll back the clock to a time near the turn of the century. Miss Spencer has a photo album of exotic places and wants the world traveller to sit and tell her all about the places in the pictures. She’s a school teacher, and a trip to Europe is her dream.

The traveller leaves, and a few years go by. In a seaside town in France the couple reunite, and get caught up with each other. The dreamy Miss Spencer trusts her cousin to escort her, and handle her financial affairs. A mutual distrust between cousin and the traveller arises. But what can be done about it? Is there a scam going on? Regardless, with money soon gone, there’s nothing left to do but catch the next ship home.

More years go by, and the world traveller again returns to theStates where he seeks out Miss Spencer. What has happened? Why did she leave so suddenly? Our world traveller seems to think the dreamy school teacher is still being taken advantage of at the hand of freeloaders.

There’s still one more meeting in store, and the only one that seems to finally release the burden of life’s drama to Miss Spencer.

Note: Today’s presentation seems to be a rehearsal. It is without the usual theme music and transitions.