Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibber Lies To A Stranger About His Wealth. 490222.

Fibber and Molly expect a visitor that they met the year before while travelling in Canada. Fibber took it upon himself to brag to the wealthy Canadian host that he was also a man of means. Now the Canadian is travelling and expects that millionaire Fibber will return the kindness and treat him to a visit to the McGee estate.

Fibber scrambles with worry in trying to figure how he can keep up his millionaire image. Mayor LaTrivia visits, and after some joking around, and other confusion, he is nice enough to let Fibber have the run of his Mayor’s Mansion. It’s a little less than the palaace that Fibber boasted of to the rich stranger, but it will pass for his humble town house. Billy Mills plays, So Far.

Fibber and Molly go to the train station to meet their guest, and Harlow Wilcox, as train announcer, gives the arrivals and departures, and commercial. The Kingsmen sing the theme from Oklahoma.

Later, at the mayor’s house, the bluff is pulled off well enough, and of course the whole show is full of jokes about high society, wealth and luxury. There’s just one small snag. At the end of the visit from the rich stranger, he leaves to meet an inlaw so he can spend more time there visiting. Who is this person? Mayor Latrivia, of course.

Note: When I first saw the title, and growing close to the old income tax day of March 15, I thought this might be a set up to brag about wealth in front of an IRS agent. It was a nice surprise to find it wasn’t about that. Too bad Mrs Uppington wasn’t on the show anymore at this time. I wonder if she would have help the McGee’s out.