Doc Sixgun – Choice Between Yom Kippur And a Duel. ep4, 540923

Pablo and his parrot narrate the story of the happenings in O’Shea’s salloon. After the usual gang hang out, Doc and Pablo go out to visit an old Army General. The formal gentleman is a Southerner, and proud of his heritage, and at being a Jew. A slaveholding family, the General’s family had freed their slaves before his time, and they were kept on as hired servants.

Yom Kippur is the celebration of deliverance, and the general invites Doc to celebrate with him. With cattle being delayedd, the old gent is faced with breaking his religious observation, or falling into the modern practice of taking care of business.

Later, O’Shea brings a problem to doc. Harvey has had a little too much to drink, and a chip on his shoulder with the general. A dishonor puts the men on the spot, and a duel is declared to save face. At sundown, the general starts his sabbath obseervances. Will Harvey be patient, and wait for his duel? Or will he force the issue, and stir up trouble?

Taking a short walk, unarmed, and wearing his prayer shawl, the general heads outside. Will he be walking into certain death? Will his prayer shawl become his funeral shroud? Doc ravces to town to learn where Harvey may be, and try to intercept the man. Bolstering his courage with one last drink, Harvey comes face to face with the protective hand of the Lord… or at least a mickey from doc.