Gunsmoke – Where’d They Go. ep350, 581221

Chester warms up in the Long Branch salloon with Kitty and Matt. A blizzard threatens to blow outside. Word comes in that bandits have committed a robbery, and have gotten away on the prairie. With the threat of the blizzard, Matt is forced to wait before he can head out.

A homesteader, Dodie, is the main suspect, but Matt works with the man. His wife Medora is said to be pregnant, and Matt ensures she won’t be undyuly put out in doing household chores. Firewood is chopped and stacked, repairs to the chicken coup is made, and more.

What else will Matt be sweet talked into doing for the amiable Dodie, and his wife? Matt agrees to the chores, up until getting a good nights rest, then heading back to Dodge in the morning. The weather has cleared, but Doc arrives with word that’ll clear up Dodie’s guilt, and bring a solution to catching the real bandits.

Compare to: Gunsmoke – Where’d They Go. 571229