Great Gildersleeve – Matchmaker. ep22, 420125

Is Judge Hooker a little more crusty, and blue than normal lately? Gildersleeve sees him off, and is inspired by Birdie to find a girlfriend for the old goat. Leroy is eager to do his part, and get his teacher, Miss Kaegle married off. What will the personal ads turn up? Cupid Gildersleeve knows exactly who to match with the judge, and goes to talk with the woman, an aunt of Piggy Banks.

Henrietta takes the flirtations of Gildersleeve to mean that he’s the one after her hand. Hooker is reluctant at being the target of matchmaking. Gildersleeve continues to write poetry, and prepare a party in their honor. Will judge Hooker be surprised? Will Henrietta understand the gallant efforts that have gone into the match up? The truth is out when the judge can’t make the party, and Gildy realizes that Henrietta has become sweet on him.

Is there a way to smoothe over the upset emotions? Gildersleeve tries to prove how badly he feels by acting as if he were in feeble health. One thing he forgot about, from early on in the episode, he is due for an insurance physical. Judge Hooker phones in with good news for Gildersleeve about Henrietta, but he may have some explaining to do to the insurance doctor.