Great Gildersleeve – A New Bed For Marjorie. ep21, 420118

As Gildersleeve and Leroy shop for a new bed for Marjorie, they find Schlepperman owns the furniture store. As we learned last week, Marjorie is away at a Red Cross training school. She’s still gone, and the new bed is a surprise for her.

With Marjorie gone, Gildy and Birdie talk about the amount of messages that get left for the popular young lady. The bed is delivered, and an interior decorator is on hand to ensure the room has a feminine touch. The snooty woman doesn’t like the new bed, and asks for a free hand in securing one to suit the room.

Later, in Schlepperman’s shop, the decorator manages to find, and buy marjorie’s original bed. At the same time, Gildy learns that Marjorie used one of her hollow bed posts to hide her jewelry inside. Can he browse Schlepperman’s shop to get any jewels out of the post? Imagine his surprise to find the bed is sold. How much trouble can he get himself into, before he realizes the bed, and valuable contents are safely back home? For that matter, how much of a bidding war can he get into with himself before he gets Marjorie’s bed back?