Calling All Cars – Burma White Case. ep2, 331206

It’s a pity that prisons are full of young people who made a mistake, but the law demands it for justice. Berma White was a young, blonde, adventurous girl who loved parties and having a good time, but she fell in with a criminal who ruined her future.

Berma worked at a beauty salon, but met criminal Tom White. She became enamoured in his cavalier ways, and the ease at which he pulled off robberies, and crimes. Though not portrayed as taking part in the activities, it’s clear that she drives the get away car, and is an accomplice, and facilitator to Tom’s showing off.

Follow the crime spree, and how the cops followed the trail of one stolen car after another. When a car is left at a garage for a simple battery charge, the cops stake it out. Are they too late? Has the stolen car been ditched, and left as abandoned?

The cops work with a neighboring garage, and go under cover. They’re in luck, and Berma returns for the car. The trail ends up in the apartment building where Berma lives with her mom. Will Tom go down without gunplay? Learn the outcome for Berma, and what the corts have in store at her sentencing.