Gunsmoke – Scared Kid. 551218.

An evening of fun and gambling in Dodge City turns into an altercation. Matt puts a stop to it, but the undercurrents of something more remain.

Later, Doc talks with Matt about the prowess of his younger days when a shout from Chester rings out. It’s a report of a murder, and Matt goes to investigate. Chester marvels that the suspect doesn’t seem like the type who would do something like committing murder. I guess looks can be deceiving. The matter seems to be a conflict between cocky young men butting heads over differences of pride. By the time Matt catches up to his suspect there’s gunplay.

Matt has the duty of notifying the next of kin, but there’s just no good explanation for the gunning down of the green kid. It’s just another of the tough duties that Matt Dillon has to face in the course of his job.