Gunsmoke – Bone Hunters. 541211

After a bar fight a man is wounded badly, Matt has to go after the man who did it, known for being a mean drunk, and wielding a knife. Matt takes him down by playing by his own rules. I guess they never told that drunk that saying about taking a knife to a gunfight.

The next morning Doc brings the news. The wounded man will live. What about the man who is locked up? The two are partners in a job where they collect bones from the prairie to use in making bone china. Matt talks to him about what caused the fight. He lets the man go.

Weeks go by before any more is heard. Since the knife fight their work has fallen off due to the injury, and time it has taken for the long recovery. Tension has built up, but is it enough to lead to the point of murder?

Sure enough, there is a body found. On the crime scene, Chester points out a few clues that might be important in revealing what actually happened. Matt confronts the knife fighter, but isn’t sure he’s guilty of the murder.

It takes more questioning to get a fuller picture of who else might have had a motive for the killing and frame up. When the real killer gets nervous, Matt has to apply some harsh frontier justice to the man.