Great Gildersleeve – Servicemen for Thanksgiving. ep12, 411116

Birdie tells about the upcoming meeting of her lodge, and the plans to entertain the servicemen with a Thanksgiving dinner. Leroy gets the idea to have their own family celebration, and invite soldiers to it. Gildy agrees, and remembers his own time in the previous war, and the unit he was in with mules.

Gildersleeve prepares a speech to give on the radio to encourage more families to invite servicemen into their homes. Party preparations explode when a group of Marjorie’s girlfriends make an appearance. Learn more about Gildy’s former military career as a recruiter. Later, Leroy brags to his friend, Piggy Banks, about Gildy’s illustrious military accomplishments.

Party preparations continue as Birdie gets dinner ready, Leroy practices his bugle calls, and plenty of girls are invited as company for the troops. There’s just one more thing to do, head to the local Army camp to invite troops over. All the soldiers seem to have already departed to Thanksgiving dinners all over town. Isn’t there any soldiers left to invite?

Working with Judge Hooker, Gildy manages to find people on the street to invite. It’s just not exactly the servicemen that Gildy planned on.