Great Gildersleeve – Birdie Quits. ep11, 411109

Preparations for a party are made that include another appearance of Oliver Honeywell, Marjorie’s inept friend. Judge Hooker is the person of honor, and he enjoys opening his gifts early. Birdie has even prepared a special dish in honor of the judge.

Sneaking off to the kitchen, Judge Hooker tries to butter up Birdie, and win her away to become his own cook. Maybe a sizeable pay raise will convince her? Will Gildy catch him at it?

Mama’s boy, Oliver finds himself at Gildy’s breakfast table again. By now Birdie seems to be ready to walk out, and take the judge up on his offer. Oliver does his inept best to get something cooking, while Marjorie rushes out to the employment office for a new cook. Finally figuring out what happened to Birdie, Gildersleeve goes to confront the judge, even if it means violence in the courtroom. Can the family appeal to Birdie’s sense of kindness at a dinner at the judge’s house. Matronly instincts kick in, and save the day for Gildy, Leroy, and Marjorie.