Our Miss Brooks – Friday the 13th Mixup. 490515 (RV025 retro476)

The old Retrobots do a good job at introducing this episode.

Connie laughs in the face of Friday the 13th. At least until she rolls us into a flashback, and Mrs Davis bringing home 2 black kittens. Mr Michaels, the superintendant, is to visit, and the stress has given Mr Conklin a case of hiccups. Will the remedy that Mrs Davis created be the cure he needs? On the way to school, Connie learns of a prank that Walter Denton has planned for Mr Conklin. His secret is safe with her.

Elsewhere, we learn that the prank is getting traction. Literature has been sent to the superintendant to imply that Conklin of having a drinking habit that he’s trying to break. The set up for an interesting has begun.

Popping into Boyntons biology lab, Connie checks on the kittens that didn’t quite make it to the pet shop. Stretch Snodgras arrives to add to the animal loving fun. Kittens, mice, snakes, frogs, and the task of cleaning Conklins office. Even without the hiccups, I feel a major mix up in the works.

All Conklin cares about is his clean office, but get ready for some slow burning fun when… It’s a cat! Just wait until the other critters show up. How much worse can Conklin’s day get? A bump on the head to give him double vision, and make him a little dizzy. Now its time for a visit from the visiting dignitaries to witness a hiccuping, dizzy, double visioned, animal seeing mess of a man. He’s not a drunk at all… is he.

Will Connie stay loyal, and keep her secret about Walter’s prank? Stay tuned for a closing word from Miss Brooks to tell how the day worked out.

Bonus Track:
None today.