Jack Benny – Corner Drug Store. ep629, 471109

On the bus, Don gets recognition from a couple of the passengers. He goes into flashback where we join Jack, Phil, and Dennis at the corner drugstore. What should they order for lunch? Dennis and Phil talk about their other shows, while Mel Blanc plays the wisecracking soda jerk. Jack runs out to leave the check for Phil and Dennis, and they decide to play a prank on him. Dennis plays his record on the jukebox, On the Rue Bela Fay.

Rochester greets Jack at home with bad news about a missing golf ball. How about a pet gofer instead? Doing an impersonation of Ronald Coleman, Dennis invites Jack to a costume party. Even Jack’s old girlfriend, Gladys Zabisco is invitred. As Jack asks Gladys out, they go into a plug for the sponsor.

In the home of the unsuspecting Coleman’s, Ronald and Bonita plan to turn in early, and go to bed. Imagine their surprise to find Bucck Benny, in full cowboy ccostume, at their door. Should the Coleman’s humor Jack, and play along? Ronald seems to have a trick of his own up his sleeve.

While they wait, Jack and Gladys start their own party, and wonder what’s taking the Coleman’s so long to join in.
Will evasive tactics work in getting away from the persistent Jack?