Jack Benny – Cleaning Jack’s Den. ep630, 471116

Rochester cleans up the house, and marvels at some of Jack’s memorabilia. Interupting Jack from a dose of drama over the party line, Rochester reads the results from his recent doctor visit. Mary enters with a report on her trip to Plainfield, and the anniversary party for her parents. Jack is still trying to make sense of the prank that Dennis pulled on him last week. Will Dennis come clean about it when he visits? Dennis sings, I Wish I Didn’t Love You So.

As Jack compliments Dennis on his song, the truth slips out, and Jack phones Ronald Coleman to apologize for the prank. Maybe a simple note would do better to smoothe those waters. Phoning Phil to complain, Jack learns a little about the house servants that Phil hires. Can Phil talk his way out of trouble? Don is troubled over a close call with a woman, then he has the Sportsmen show off their song, I Believe. Get ready for a classic wait a minute moment.

Jack is off to the drivers licence office to renew hislicence. Bea Benaderet takes doewn his personal information to be sure his license is accurate. Frank Nelson administers the eye exam, then its off for the road test. Elliot Lewis gets an interesting ride in the Maxwell, but how well will Jack do on the driving test? Can he charm his way out of a tight spot?