Dick Tracy – Case Of The Honorable Mr Malice. 471031

Did you ever wonder about what it takes to write a song? Find out a little bit of how George Gershwin got his start.

Mr Malice is an embittered ex-congressman who hates everybody, and anything that he doesn’t understand. If someone opposes his ways, he considers them stupid, and doesn’t see a problem with killing them.

Today we find him sharing with his trusted butler on why his planned train derailment didn’t work. He even re-enacts the wreck with a model train on his desk.

Elsewhere, Dick Tracy talks with Pat about the ex-congressmans bigotted ways, and racial intolerance. The cops don’t want to believe the respected man is behind the wreck, but they head for the mansion to see if there’s anything to learn that might connect the man? A train engineer, and the congressmans nephew might hold the answers that Tracy is looking for.