X Minus One – Requiem. ep22, 551027.

A story by Robert Heinlein. In a futuristic setting, the general population can now make trips to space, and to the moon. It still takes the ability to pass a medical physical, but for a price, any owner of an old battered up rocket ship can be bribed into making the trip. It’s a world where monorails, and pressure tunnels are the common mass transit methods. A man with a life long dream isn’t getting any younger, and has ammassed wealth for his wild scheme of flying to the moon. In his flashback telling of his dream, the story unfolds and the captain of the rickety rocket takes the job. There are still legal issues to overcome, and the family is up in arms, since the entire family fortune will be spent on this one luxurious splurge. The risks, legal problems, and dangers mount. Will the flight into space go off as planned? Charlie plans to visit the moon if it’s the last thing he does, and it just might be.