Voston Blackie – Marked Money. ep195, 481006

A gangster calls on another to extort some cash from him, concerning a single dollar bill. What can be so valuable about the dollar? It’s big enough to lead to murder. When Mary Wesley is involved, it doesn’t take much to grab Boston Blackie into the mix. Which, of course, drives Farraday into a rage. Will Mary become the target of the gangsters once they know she might be able to identify them? Don’t worry, Blackie manages to spring his own trap, and amid puns and snappy come backs, he sets out on his own invistigation of the bad guys.

Blackie sticks close to the dollar bill, but Farraday has learned why it’s so important. Now they djust need to join forces, but will they be able to? There’ll be more bodies stacking up before this tale is told. With Farraday finally on hand to cart off the bad guys, Blackie cracks the code on the marked dollar bills that have turned up. Have you figured it out?