Superman – Metropolis Football Team Poisoned 6of15. 410912

According to a will, the Metropolis University stands to win a huge inheritance if they can also rais funds on their own. A winning football season would do that. On the other hand, beneficiaries of the will would stand to gain, if the team didn’t win.

We join Clark as he continues to investigate. Leaving the coach, he springs to the air as Superman.

Reaching the train, he boards it as Clark Kent. Locating some of the heirs, Clark discretely interrogates them. The friendly interchange breaks down into a scuffle, but it facilitates Superman in kidnapping the unconsious body, and taking the man back to Metropolis.

Is this all a wild goose chase? Is Clark wrong about the whole matter? A phone call seems to hold the assurance that he’s on the right track, and a dangerous criminal needs to be stopped.