Superman – Metropolis Football Team Poisoned 10of15. 410922

The football team doctor broke down and confessed that he poisoned the team, and admitted his real name. Now it’s up to our heros to locate the antidote to the mysterious white powder poison that was used. Does Clark Kent have any hope of finding it in time? Lois helps to interrogate the old woman, Martha, and try to get her to tell where the antidote might be found.

The secret is in a diary, and Martha is about to burn it. Will Clark Kent be able to cover the 50 miles that seperate them in a matter of secondds? Will he have a good answer for Lois to account for his timely arrival?
The antidote can only be found in Central America. Superman has only one chance in a million for success, but it’s a chance he has to take. John Cotter is the manager in a rubber plantation, and is to be Clark’s guide to the remote tribe. Instead, Clark is referred to Tango Pete, an unreliable man, but the best chance Clark has in communicating with the tribal chief. What other complications arise?