Great Gildersleeve – The Cake. ep2, 410907

After spending his first week being mother, father, and best friend to his niece and nephew, the Great Gildersleeve spends the day doing some male bonding with Leroy at the baseball game. Meanwhile, Marjorie has been making meticulous arrangements for her party. Everything must be as perfect for Marjorie as her mom’s famous parties were. The guys come home and feast on the cake they found… the one that Marjorie and Birdie just spent the day creating… Uh-oh.

Trying to cover their tracks, the guys set out to bake their own cake. Kitchen mishaps ensue. Then Gildy has trouble fending off what seems a flood of the womenfolk. I’m not so sure it was a good idea to send Birdie away. She may have been the one woman who could help, and keep it a secret. Getting a taste of his own medicine, Gildy races out to buy a replacement cake, but will it measure up to Marjorie’s?

Gildersleeve has to come clean with Marjorie as the final moments draw near. However, he does get a little revenge on his new found rivals Judge Hooker, and Mrs Dinwiddie. No harm done, and all is made right as the show closes.

Note: At first I thought the character of Mrs Dinwiddie was trying to put the moves on elegible bachelor, Gildersleeve. She doesn’t appear beyond this early episode, and her actual role is simply in being a busy body who is probably more interested in doing some matchmaking, and sharing all the tidbits of gossip that she can with all the other biddies in town.