Frontier Fighters – Jedadiah A Smith. ep6, 1935

Tales of heroic pioneers and pathfinders in American History. Today we get a glimpse at a frontiersman, Jedadiah A Smith, and the beginning of his exploration in 1823. Following the rivers to indian country in the Yellowstone region, he pits his abilities against the natives there. Armed only with a rifle and a bible, he claims if he had to do without, he could survive, and tame the land with only his bible.

After his band of 15 men were killed, Smith walked for 3 days without food, and found himself facing charges in a California court. At that time California being held by Spanish government. Sent on his way, Smith was left with only his bible, and dealing with corrupt officials. Later in the Oregon territory, Smith faced more battles with indians. Has Smith come to the end of his rope? Instead a treaty is arrived at due to his kindness.

On another expedition, Captain Smith led his band through a dry,droubt ridden land, and through territory held by hostile indians. It would be the end of the line at the hand of the Arapaho’s, with not even a tattered page of his bible left, or a marker for a grave for the frontiersman.