Retro OTR Diary ep005 Vic and Sade – Uncle Fletcher’’s Keys. 410521

For me the worst thing about this episode is the audio quality. The static in the audio clears up some, but the audio is still a little broken. Still, if you can get past that, it’s an excellent example of uncle Fletcher and his humor. Not to mention a particularly noisy mike that I just couldn’t make sound any better. Sorry, but I’m doing the best I can while I wait for funds for a new mike.

Jimbo Mason was kind enough to come back with his ideas on this episode. He does a good job at summarizing this episode. What else is there to say.

We hear why Fletcher doesn’t throw away any keys. Also some of the crazy people he has met, and even how they died. Rush is impressed, Sade doesn’t seem to know any of the people Fletcher talks about, though he thinks she ought to. Vic plays along, and lets the man tell all the stories he likes.

How else would the Gooks wrap up the evening of entertaining stories? Nothing else but a round of 4 handed Rummy, and a freshly popped bowl of popcorn.

Be sure to catch all the fun in the episode by visiting this page: Vic and Sade – Uncle Fletcher’s Keys. 410521