Mama Bloom’s Brood – Mrs Fink Told Off. ep22

Little sister, Yetta, puts on the finishing touches to her make up as she gets ready for a date. Meanwhile, mama complains about the hectic atmosphere in the house ever since Sara decided to get married, and all the demands of relatives.

A phone call redirects mama’s frustrations as Yetta leaves. The doorbell signals the arrival of Mrs Fink, and the women exchange heated words about the wedding arrangements for Sara and Sidney.

When Mrs Fink begins to compare mama’s girls to her own, implying that because the arrangements aren’t the way that she would do it, mama goes ballistic. Mama defends the differences as her right to raise kids the way she likes, and even defends Jakes honor against the barbs of Mrs Fink. What will Jake think of the arguing biddies when he gets home?