Lone Ranger – Ray Holbrook. 381104

The young upstart and engineer for the railroad, Ray Holbrook, has news for Mr Perry about the bridge he’s responsible for building. It’s success could mean prosperity for the territories it passes through. It’s not without hazzards from indians, and risks from competing engineers who want their plans for the bridge to be chosen.

Two riders in the night watch as the indians do their war dancews. Can fears of the iron horse that’s coming through their land be alieved? The dancers are being worked up into a frenzy by alcohol, that’s being supplied to the red skins. Though Tonto does his best to learn who is supplying the alcohol, the situation explodes into violence.

There aren’t enough men in the railroad camp to fend off the indians on the warpath. The only hope that Lone Ranger sees is to ride fast, and get the crews in the camp to finish that bridge. All the settlers will be able to cross to safety. Will it work? What would stop the indians from also crossing the bridge?

Time is short, and indian raids begin. The settlers can fend them off for now, but it’s a race against the clock. Lone Ranger pulls out all the stops, and blurs racial boundaries, when he points out white men who are betrayers, and honest indians who help finish building the bridge. Connecting the bridge, the settlers have hope that they can hold off the indian attack by the bottleneck the bridge makes, but tensions and suspense runs highm, right up the final explosion.