Jack Benny – Buck Benny Rides Again. 361129

Don and Jack greet each other courteously. Phil is late for the show, but Mary is on hand to talk about Jack’s Thanksgiving dinner. To get back at Phil, Jack tries to prank him.

The band plays, Who’s That Knocking At My Heart. Kenny Baker arrives and tells Jack that Phil is hanging out at the drugstore. Phil makes his appearance, then Kenny sings, I’ll Sing You a Thousand Love Songs.

Jack is still upset over Phil, his being late, and his better luck with the ladies. Though Jack tries to announce the play as being a dignified English affair, a fan letter requests another installment of Buck Benny. Phil plays, Just Arrived for Love.

Buck meets up with his gal, Daisy, and tries to catch the man who has been rustling her pappy’s cows. The search takes Buck to the salloon in town. Will he find Cactus Face Elmer there? Will the bad guy get away once again?