Jack Benny – Allen’s Alley. 470525

In place of Don Wilson, Rochester introduces the show today. Will this mean more money for him? Yeah, right. Mary enters to tease Jack about his addition to the cast during his vaudevillian tour, Marjorie Reynolds.

Phil brags about all the shows he has been appearing on lately, including his own show. What will Dennis have to tell about? Instead of his show, he tells about a difficult visit to relatives. Dennis then sings, I Can’t Get Up the Nerve to Kiss You.

Jokes about Fred Allen lead to a spoof of Jack putting on his own version of Allen’s Alley. Jack pretends to be Fred, Mary is Portland… er… make that Cleveland. The question for Benny’s Boulevard is: Who is the funnier comedian, Jack Benny or Fred Allen? Phil does a passable Senator Claghorn, that man who is deeply devoted to his Southern roots. Titus Moody is spoofed by Titus Day, the rustic old gent. Kitzel, with his Yiddish accent, steps in for a Mrs Noosebaum character. Dennis Day also takes on the persona of Dennis Cassidy, a nice Irish lad. Will he play his answer to the question safely? This is the last show of the season you know.

The final door on the Boulevard finds the real Fred Allen. Let the jokes, and ad libs fly. Does Fred have an ulterior motive for being on the show? A few extra friends make an appearance, and the Sportsmen weigh in on who they think is the better comedian. In song, of course. Who’s “Wait a Minute!” moment will this be? Fred’s or Jack’s? Jack announces his Summer replacement, Jack Paar, and the 3 comedians have some loosely scripted fun together.