Gunsmoke – Little Bird. 580511

Kitty brings a problem to Matt’s attention. A big, and mean looking man has brought a woman who is supposed to be his indian wife to the Long Branch Salloon. Is she actually an indian? The scared and Spanish speaking woman assures Matt that she’s the wife of the buffalo hunter. Still, Matt smells something fishy about the situation.

Doc shows off the latest medical marvel to Mattm, electroshock therapy. Don Marco brings a legal problem to the lawman. In his broken English, he tells how his wife Maria was kidnapped, and he’s certain that she’s in Dodge City. Will Marco stand a chance in a show down of revenge against Bull Taggert?

Matt confronts Bull in the Long Branch, and manages to manhandle him. Will the result satisfy the honor of Don Marco? Even if Marco gets Maria back, will it stop Bull from pursuing him? Justice is done in the street at the point of blazing six shooters. Matt thinks it was all staged, but with self defense as the reason for the shooting, there’s nothing he can do about it.