Gunsmoke – Livvies Loss. 580413

Horatio is a drunk of a husband who comes home, but in his current condition, his wife would rather not have anything to do with him. She doesn’t even want his intrusion on their boy. Ben is old enough to hang out in the Long Branch, and seems to be in pursuit of following in his dad’s footsteps. Has his mom lost her boy as well? As well intended as it may be, has her nagging pushed Ben away like it did her husband?

As Matt and Chester wrap up a game of checkers, the fire alarm shatters the silence of the night. Can it be true that Livvie swore to burn all the salloons in Dodge to have revenge for her men folk? Is she being set up to take the blame?

Confronting each other in the jail, Horatio and Livvie have words about their missing son. Doc enters with bad news. Someone died in that fire, the fire that Matt knows that Horatio set. Now both parents suffer the loss of their son. Where did life go all wrong for Livvie?