True Detective Mystery – Rattlesnake and the Barefoot Bride. ep1, 370308.

Stories as appearing in True Detective Mystery Magazine. A man and his wife stop their car to talk with a neighboring man, Bob. He invites them over to meet his bride, Mary. At home though, the place seems to be empty. Maybe Mary is busy with her chores, or elsewhere on the farm? As they wait, her body is discovered, floating in the lily pond.

The sheriff and police learn that Mary was prone to dizzy spells, but is there more to it than that? Marks on her swollen leg point the investigators on another probable cause of death. Is the snake bite just another coincidence of bad luck to befall the young woman, or does it play into a plan of murder? The cops dig up more disturbing facts. A double indemnity insurance policy, a husband who was on his fifth wife. Still, it takes more than suspicions and circumstantial evidence. The cops are able to stake out their criminal with the latest in high tech devices, a listening device that helps gain key evidence to put the case together, and secrets are learned.

A complex and wide ranging murder scheme comes to light. The actors dramatize the traumatic events of Mary’s last moments of life. All the bad guys are rounded up as the dramatic confession unfolds, and justice is dealt harshly. Even California had the death penalty in the 1930’s, and it gets excersized for today’s featured crime. .