Mel Blanc – The Stuffed Pheasant. 470304

In the Spring like weather, young couples are making romantic plans, but what movie are Mel and Betty planning to see? The topic of politics comes up, but is there any hope for Mel to win office? Betty convinces Mel to help Mr Colby run for City Counsil. Professor Potchnik, the piano teacher, pops in to tell about how he met his wife. What advice might he give to help Mr Colby’s chances in politics?

The Sportsmen sing, If This Isn’t Love. Mr Colby is sure that if he goes bird hunting to bag a pheasant, he cam have the bird stuffed to show off to the mayor. Zookie stammers his way through Colby’s instructions, but agrees to pass the bird along to Mel for the taxidermy job. Mr Cushing enters on the heels of Mel, and the Mighty Potentate complains how he has to do his own cooking. How did he ever get hooked by his wife anyway?

With the pheasant stuffed, Mel contacts the mayor, but crossed wires between the topics of the bird and the mayors wife make for some interesting humor. Colby discovers his hunting expedition may cause him trouble, and his chance for a good impression could be at stake. Somebody ought to tell Mel about it though. Can Mel save the day?