Mel Blanc – Mel Sells Colbys a Valuable Painting. 470311

Business men across the nation are preparing to file taxes. What about Mel? How much does he owe the government? Professor Potchnik enters, but will he be able to help Mel? The piano teacher is just as penniless. Can Mr Colby help? He has brought a couple paintings to Mel, one a valuable one to be cleaned,and one for Mel to sell on consignment. Guess what happens when a mixup is made?

The Sportsmen sing, Managua Nicaragua.

With the valuable painting sold to banker Grimes, Mel is distracted as his rival for Betty’s hand enters, Hartley Benson. The egotistical gent is as much in love with himself as all the women that he professes are chasing after him. Mr Cushing, the Mighty Potentate, enters to tell about his wife’s failed beauty treatments. Mel gets the idea to pretend to be an art critic, and get the banker to sell the painting back to him.

Facing off with a real art critic, Mel may have trouble in his fake assessment. Unless… the other critic just might be another fake who is trying to help Mel out of a tight spot. Has mel made a mess that’s too much to fix? Will he ever find the solution to his tax woes that started this whole mess for him?