Gunsmoke – Laughing Gas. 580309

A medicine show has come to town, and Chester begs the loan of a quarter from Matt to go see it. Everybody is thrilled about the show except for Doc, who thinks the abuse of the laughing gas is nothing to laugh about. Residentss take turns going under the gas, but behavior is unpredictable as they come out of it, which is where the entertainment lies.

As Doc warns about the physical hazards of abusing the gas, trouble emerges about psychological complications. While under the gas, a reformed killer who had been making a fresh start is blamed for an outbreak of murders. Stafford has been hurt when his identity is known, but despite what the townsfolk think, Matt is sure he didn’t do it.

Will the Staffords be able to get out of town to prevent more harrassment? Can Matt intercept their pursuers to keep worse things from happening? Not without gunplay, and some hard frontier justice.