Mel Blanc – The Man To Marry Betty. 470204

In households around town, couples remember their romantic beginnings, but what were Mel and Betty’s first moments like? They dream about the idylic married life they’ll have, but it comes to a screaching halt once Mr Colby enters. The couple has been dating for 4 years now, but things still don’t look promising when Professor Potchnik pops in to relate how his marriage fell apart. Still, will the piano teacher have some advice to win Colby over to their side?

Zookie and a couple friends have been recruited to play the part of suitors who will look so stupip that Mel will appear brilliant. First Mr Cushing, the Mighty Potentate of the Zebra Lodge, complains about his wife. Just how talkative is the over bearing woman?

In the Colby house, the stammering Zookie tries to pitch his marriage plans to Mr Colby. Mel voices a hillbilly suitor named Tex, who comes from Mississippi. A dim witted man tries his hand, but will his job qualifications seal the deal? Will Mr Colby give his consent to any of the wacky prospects?

Note: Featuring the classic voice tallents of Hans Conried, Joe Kearn, Mary Jane Kroft, Alan Reed