Judy Canova – Gurgle Soda Pop Contest. 451110

Judy Opens with a song filled with her trademark yodelling style, Ma He’s Making Eyes at Me.

Geranium talks with Judy about a contest. The winner of drinking the most soda pop gets a date with Van Johnson. Is it going to be worth it? Aunt Aggie doubts it, but listens to Judy’s dreams of a hopeful proposal from the movie star. Pedro talks in your face to tell about his friend Gonzales, and a different kind of drinking contest. With the war over, talk about the expectation for the new 1946 car models is discussed.

Opie Cates and his orchestra play, No Can Do. Judy continues to joke with Geranium about the soda contest, and other contests she had been in. The deliveries of Gurgle soda keep coming in, and Judy has more troubles when she breaks a tooth. Judy sings, It’s Been a Long Long Time.

Visiting the dentist, Judy gets gas to knock her out, and has crazy dreams. Visits with island natives, train rides, exotic romance, but will she ever win her contest?

In salute to the troops, Judy sings, Goodnight Soldier.