Lone Ranger – From Outer Space. 470115.

Early in the 19th century a meteor plummeted to the ground. At first frequented by scientists, interest fell off and sixty years later it had become nearly forgotten as a part of a national forrest.

High officials from Washington DC have sent for a chest of mineral samples, but the chests keep getting intercepted. The hope is for important research, but the fear is that foreign spies are stealing the samples for their own arms race. The officials call on the Lone Ranger for help. The word spreads far and wide, by word of mouth, until it reaches the ears of Tonto.

On a train, a man from Washington rides and waits to make contact with the Lone Ranger. When contact is made, the dangerous mission is layed out. Besides the Masked Man, there will be another secret agent to help guard the stage coach. Who is this agent? How will he be identified? A trap awaits our hero, and the work of an evil mastermind is hinted at.

After an encounter with the thugs waiting in ambush, a chase ensues so Lone Ranger can retrieve a stolen letter with details about his secret contact. In the nick of time, the letter is recovered, and the bad guys dealt with, but the letter is just as confusing as it is informative. Plot twists create some tough developments for the Lone Ranger as he is yet to discover that he is up against far more than just a couple men. Stay tuned for a series of stories as Lone Ranger strives to serve his country. Who is stealing the ore samples? What are they doing with it? Who is the mysterious contact? Time will tell.

Note: I saw this title, and had visions of Lone Ranger in space, on a Buck Rogers style mission. Part of me hoped that it would be that way, just for the novelty of it. But another part was glad to know that our favorite white hatted, masked manhas stayed firmly planted on earth, and in his own time period.