Big Town – Nightmare House. 490111.

A newly married couple move into their new tractr house in the development, Honeymoon Hill. After discovering the shoddy workmanship, they figure that the place ought to be known as Nightmare Hill. The husband confronts the developer of the subdivision, but with no result, and the threat to keep things quiet, or else.

The couple takes the story of the housing racket to Steve Wilson. Steve advises the residents fight this through legal channels, but he and Lauralai go to talk with the racketeer to apply what leverage they can.

Meanwhile, the housing contractor’s side kick is less than ethical in his plan to deal with the unruly tenants. He plans to use arson to burn the trouble making home owners out. With the pregnant wife still at home, will Steve be in time to prevent harm?

Harry the Hack drives Steve to the housing office, but drops Lauralai off to be with the young bride. Will there be two women in danger now? Steve puts it to the contractor as an opportunity to answer charges, and offer his own side of the story before the newspaper prints it. There is to be a meeting in the home of the newly weds. Uh-oh.

Now with a vested interest in not being burned in a fire, can the corrupt contractor stop his side kick? Things begin to move fast. The young bride is roughed up, as the fire is being set, Harry and Laura walk in and are attacked. The contractor and the side kick argue and fight. Will Steve be able to stop the thug, or will he be forced to help start the fire?

I love the scene when the thug tells Steve to pour the bucket of gasoline on the pile of newspapers. Steve’s responce is, “Yu murderous thug.” It made me wonder if Steve thought the thug was murderous because he was about to kill a house full of people, or because he was about to burn a lovely pile of newspapers. Steve being a newspaper man and all. I know, a twisted thought, but it could happen.

Back to the story. There’s nothing left but Steve’s heroic efforts to bring down the crook gone wild with his one track mind. Justice ends up being delivered to the bad guys at their own hands.