Gunsmoke – Juds Woman. 571201

On a cold blustery winter night, Matt and Chester seeks shelter at a lonely cabin. Imagine their surprise at the inhospitality that greets them , when they find themselves talking to the end of a shotgun barrel.

The next day, Matt is confronted by Judd Barton, who is upset that Matt even came to visit. He’s apparently afraid that his good looking woman isn’t to be trusted around men, and has moved several times to keep men way from her. In the Long Branch, Chester interupts Matt and Kitty’s conversation to have Matt meet Jenny. She’s the woman from the cabin, and is desperate to get away from Judd. It’s just the kind of domestic dispute that Matt can’t get involved with, and the law doesn’t extend protection to. Doc reports the woman has recieved beatings. Will Matt step in now? What will the drunken Judd do once he sobers up, and realizes his woman is missing?

Jenny is eager to get out of Dodge, and live with her brother. Kitty and Matt take a chance, and do what they can to make sure it happens. Will Judd suspect? Can Matt provide protection for the trip on the stage coach? Gun play seems to be the only end to the possessive and hateful Judd, and his pursuit of his woman.

PS: Wow, a classic case of wife abuse, and oppression. If you take this out of the historic setting, and don’t look at the air date, it’s a story that is still happening. Clearly the thing to do is to have friends and family who can intervene. Too bad we still can’t have a Matt Dillon to legally have a showdown with the bully.