Fibber McGee and Molly – Uranium Rich Uncle Elrod. 571208

A newspaper article reports that an uncle of Fibber’s just hit it big with a uranium strike. Is it the same uncle Elrod, and will he remember good ol’ Fibber? As Fibber composes a letter, Molly doesn’t want to go through with it, thinking it’ll sound like they’re after the man’s money.

Is it such a sure thing as Fibber makes it out to win that visit from uncle Elrod? Will the McGee’s be put into the will for a piece of $10million? Fibber dredges up family memories as he reads through an old diary.

Teeny pops in to learn about the potential inheritance. What kind of gifts, and party favors will Fibber bestow on his little friend?

Molly still isn’t sure the Elrod in the newspaper is their relative, or that he’ll even respond to Fibber’s letter. The lavish affair that Fibber dreams about is big business, but Molly isn’t interested in investing in it.