Cisco Kid – ned dobsons niece. 521230.

Didn’t we just have an episode about Ned and his niece? Yes, but that was a nice Ned, who was a merchant who was killed. This is about a Ned who is not so nice, and how he tries to cheat his niece.

Ned Dobson was a rancher who has been having growing success. His top hand confronts him on a past indiscretion that could return to haunt him. When Ned learns that his niece is coming out on the train to lay claim to her stake in the ranch, Ned wants to keep her away. He sends his hand to stop her. Little do they know that Cisco and Pancho are riding the train.

Cisco intervenes and gets into a fist fight with a cow hand who is annoying the niece. The cowhand warns that Cisco hasn’t seen the last of him, while Cisco turns on the charm to get the details of the story from the niece.

The cowhand from the train meets up with the rancher’s top hand and develop a plan to try to make the girl sign papers to release her claim from the ranch. The cowboy and Cisco compete for the girls affections. They try to scuffle and get the other picked up by the sherriff. Cisco talks sense with the sheriff to win him over, and they make a plan to protect the girl.

Cisco smells a rat and is sure that uncle Ned is up to no good, but can he find the key evidence he needds to thwart the plan, and give the girl her land? Watch out kidddies,there’s bound to be some mushy stuff before the adventure is over.